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 Call for Presentation Proposals

What we're looking for 

Standards Based - Presentations should align with NASP and APA professional standards, as well as support at least one of the five NC School Psychology Professional Standards.

Diverse topics - The focus of NCSPA is to support school psychologists, but since school psychologists have a wide range of responsibilities as they implement comprehensive services, we actively seek presentations that address a wide range of related subjects, at various levels of expertise. Perspectives from other fields are definitely welcome! Some topics of specific interest are:
  • Increasing cultural competence
  • Supporting students from under-represented populations
  • Behavior/Emotional Intervention
  • MTSS Implementation
  • Supporting students with Autism

Practicality and positivity - We prefer presentations backed by experience and experimentation to talks about theory. Don't tell us why you don't like something – tell us how you overcame the problems it was causing.

Audience awareness - When crafting presentations proposals, remember that you'll be learning with a mix of levels of expertise and skill sets. Your presentation doesn't have to be relevant to everyone, but it should be relevant to most people and shouldn't make too many assumptions about what people already know. If you are making those assumptions about what your audience knows, it helps everyone if you state them up front explicitly.

Who we're looking for

Diverse group of speakers - We welcome presentations from first-time presenters, from research experts, and from everyone in between. Whatever your background and experience, we prefer hearing about new approaches and strategies. We especially welcome presentations from underrepresented groups within the school psychology community.

Mix of roles and perspectives - Presentations from practitioners, researchers, publishers, and other experts are all valuable to our attendees.

Diverse audience - Likewise, we love the diversity of our community, and we encourage all presenters to attend the presentations of others.

Submitting a Proposal 

  • Before starting the proposal it is useful to have the following information available.
    • For the lead presenter, you will need the following: name, title, organization, address, phone number, email address, bio and resume/CV (upload file only).
    • If there will be co-presenters, you will need their names and email addresses
    • For each session, be prepared to submit a session abstract, learning objectives, and three resources from professional literature.
    • If applying to present more than one session you will need to complete a second registration using a different email address

Are you ready? 
Submit your proposal here!

Selection Process

Each presentation proposal will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the NCSPA Fall Conference Committee and Professional Learning Committee to determine selection. Proposals will be reviewed for:

  • Alignment to NC Professional Standards for School Psychologists as well as NASP and APA professional standards
  • Presence of instructional objectives related to the standards
  • An instructional level that is geared toward credentialed professionals in school psychology and is intended to enhance their professional knowledge and/or skills
  • Expertise and training of the instructor(s)
  • Compliance with NASP and APA Principles for Professional Ethics.

Notification - All applicants will be notified regarding the status of their presentation proposal no later than June 15, 2024.


Our goals are big, but our budget is small. All presenters and co-presenters will receive complimentary registration for the conference. Depending on the expertise and experience, and within the constraints of the budget, NCSPA will offer an equitable rate of compensation to presenters. The following rubric may be helpful

Tier 1 Presenter
  • Topic is relevant to conference
  • Presenter submitted proposal on topic during open call or requested they present on topic
  • Novice presenter
  • Presentation is part of board or committee member’s job expectation 

Tier 2 Presenter
  • Topic is very important to membership (e.g., membership has requested a repeat of topic from previous year)
  • Presenter submitted proposal on topic during open call or requested they present on topic
  • Presenter has expertise and experience presenting on topic 
  • Presentation is beyond the scope of NCSPA work for board/committee member (if presenter is NCSPA board member/committee member)

Tier 3 Presenter 
  • NCSPA has requested the presenter attend and present at conference 
  • Presenter has expertise and significant experience presenting on topic to a broad audience (e.g., Presenting to those outside of school psychology or on a national level)
  • Presenter has published material on topic
  • Presenter has additional notoriety among stakeholders within the area of their expertise


Are you ready? 
Submit your proposal here!