Online Learning Center

The purpose of this Online Learning Center is to provide you a variety of accessible opportunities for professional development at little to no cost.

Sessions Credits

These professional learning sessions have been offered previously. They are offered here again for your benefit. Some are offered in their entirety while others may be a shortened version.



Please let us know if any accommodations for physical or sensory differences are needed.

These sessions can be submitted to your PSU for your NC Professional Educator's License from DPI. An attendance record summary form will be provided for your documentation. 

More information about renewing your NC Professional Educator's License can be found here

Due to their recorded nature, these sessions cannot be used for APA professional learning credits.


Available Sessions

Lunch, Learn, and Collaborate Recordings

Recordings of some of NCSPA's monthly professional development and networking opportunity that is free to all members. You must be a member of NCSPA in order to access these recordings. 

Digital Learning for School Psychologist Webinars

This series of webinars is designed for school psychologists and other educators who might be using digital tools, such as Excel, to synthesize and apply quantitative data to:

  • Create individual learner profiles of strengths, weaknesses, and gaps

  • Provide specific recommendations related to weaknesses, gaps, and needed skills as identified in the learner profile

  • Reflect and improve upon instructional practice